Saturday 8 February 2014

The Coalition of Self Interest

What have we come to? Tories selling "our" #NHS off to their friends who support the party financially. Austerity measures target the most vulnerable whilst the most wealthy are given tax breaks. Half a million of our people are using foodbanks just to get by. Social and economic inequality is increasing daily with those near the bottom of the food chain increasingly exploited. Many austerity measures seem to be politically motivated instead of being based in economic evidence. Our civil liberties and free speech are under attack, and just in case we might have the temerity to demonstrate our concerns en-masse in public at some stage, the water cannons are on order to wash the protest from the streets. Some Tories are now suggesting that the right to strike should be curbed further. We are sleepwalking into international legislation which will further the dominance of global corporations over democracy. We are constantly lied to by Tory & Lib Dem politicians and repeatedly bashed over the head with the "hardworking people" mantra. The so-called economic growth recently is based on false confidence similar to that which led to the last crash. The national debt has risen from £828.7bn, or 57.1 per cent of GDP, to £1.25trn, or 75.7 per cent of GDP since May 2010, during which time tax-avoidance by companies and corporations has probably been at about £30bn per year.

The government are supposed to be the elected representatives of the people, but instead of serving us they think they can rule us by divine right. If they really represented us they would not need so many ludicrous attempts to deceive us about what they are doing. This is all done by a cobbled together alliance of two parties, neither of whom had sufficient mandate to do anything individually. We have a chancellor of the exchequer whose economic policies are the laughing stock of many expert economists worldwide. The minister for work and pensions seems to be incompetent and callous. The minister for education seems to be a caricature of Dickens' Mr Gradgrind from "Hard Times". In most government departments policy seems to be formulated on personal whim and ideology rather than evidence based political theory. The Royal Mail has been sold off at a price much lower than that suggested by expert analysts, effectively taking a large chunk of taxpayer's money and funneling it directly into the hands of those in the City. Many government departments and ministers seem "captured" by lobbyists and other pressure groups almost to the point of corruption.

This Coalition Government are in my opinion the worst government in the UK within living memory. Everything they do seems to be informed by a #neoliberal agenda which will always make the rich richer and more powerful, whilst making the poor poorer and more easily exploitable.

Yet their PR is powerful in its ability to pretend that their aims are different. As Nye Bevan said in 1948, Tories are good salesmen, because they have to be to sell their shoddy goods. In this grand deception they are ably assisted by the media of the UK, many of whom have a vested interest, or inexplicably, behave as though they do.

I find it beyond comprehension that 30% of voters in the UK still seem to think it appropriate to vote for them. It is totally irrational to think that the members of this government serve anybody other than themselves.


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