Thursday 13 February 2014

How Labour can win the 2015 election.

A significant proportion of voters in UK seem to be fed up with cynical politicians who treat them only as electoral fodder to be duped into casting their vote one way or the other. They are fed up with soundbytes and "spin" and evasive answers and misrepresentation of the facts. They are fed up with politicians who sacrifice their political principals for fear of upsetting “public opinion” bandwagons which have been manipulated by the right-wing media. They are fed up with corruption. They are fed up with inequality. They are fed up with an "austerity" which has no economic justification.They are fed up and demoralised by being "managed" as voters rather than being represented.

If Labour are serious about winning the next election they need to return to some of the radical ethos which brought the party into being. The Labour leadership, the shadow cabinet, and Labour MPs should stand up and be counted. Labour; explain to the electorate what good Social Democracy looks like; what a good mixed economy looks like, and how it serves all. Explain to them the failings of the current system, and why the total reliance on free markets and the neo-liberal agenda supported by all the other parties ultimately only serves the “haves” at the expense of the “have-nots”. Don't worry that it may be perceived as unpopular in certain quarters, the majority have had quite enough deceit. Tell the people clearly what your policies are, and tell them with honesty and conviction and sincerity and passion. Seize the moment!

Credit the electorate with the intelligence to become more engaged with politics if they are treated with respect. You might well be amazed how much genuine support there is amongst the electorate for Socialist principles. You will find that there is majority who stand politically to the left of the position currently held by the Labour leadership on many important issues, and this has been supported by poll results. Make the 2015 election the one that breaks the mould. Don't make the mistake of not fully committing to the win through fear of losing. Do not try to chase votes by copying what other parties are saying. Do not let the other parties set the framework within which you operate because you dissolve the perceived distinctions and voters can't tell the difference. You will convince the largest number of voters by being different from the others. By being Labour! By being Radical! Let 2015 be the “Truth and Integrity Election”. If you are seen to be doing this you might just get a landslide victory in 2015.

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