Tuesday 4 March 2014

Democracy belongs to voters, not to politicians

So, more and more instances recently of the government withholding information from the people of UK. Reports on food banks and immigration deliberately held back because they reveal truths which undermine the government's ideological justifications. There have been numerous instances where ministers have been called to account by The UK Statistics Authority for serious misrepresentation of statistical data in support of policy. Now we have an apparent cover-up over the resignation and arrest of David Cameron's aide Peter Rock.

All this on top of a clutch of pre-election promises which have been cynically ignored and broken: NHS, Banks, VAT, tuition fees etc...........

If that has not been bad enough this coalition government have visited a horribly draconian austerity on the most vulnerable people in our society causing misery, poverty, despair and worse. This has been justified in terms of economic necessity. It would have been completely unnecessary if our government had changed its priorities just a bit. In tandem with this crusade against the poor, tax-avoidance schemes by companies and corporations have been depriving UK of tax revenue of at least £40bn and possibly as much as £150bn per annum. The apparent lack of any political will to tackle this has caused government borrowing to add £100bn annually to the National Debt. The City Banks seem a law unto themselves with few apparent checks and balances from government. It is difficult to get any concerns about these issues ever discussed in a proper debate, but there is a steady drip-feed of disinformation from the politically "captured" media insisting that the demonized victims of these policies are to blame for the whole nation's ills.

Half the 13 millon people living in poverty in this the 7th largest economy in the world are in a household where somebody is working. Deregulation of the labour market and subtle demonization of Trade Unions have eroded the rights of workers to the point where this disgusting fact has become possible. We now hear that the Conservatives regard themselves as the "Worker's Party".

What we are witnessing is the elected representatives of the people deliberately deceiving those people who have voted them into office. The government work for us. We elect them to run the country on our behalf. Our taxes pay their substantial salaries and expenses. When they lie to us they are renouncing the very democracy which has placed them in positions of trust.

This government has thereby relinquished their claim to be representing our interests, and must therefore be operating in support of a different agenda which is against our interests. This means they are no longer operating legitimately.

They must therefore resign their positions and call an immediate general election.

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